Sunday, June 28, 2009

Firebirds Hare Scramble - USRA Round 7, Cherry Creek Utah, June 6, 2009

A week removed from Idaho City, we were ready to try it again. This time it was the 7th round of the USRA Desert Series and there was a solid contingent of the FAST Racing crew including Mike Knight and sons Josh, Kobee, and Benji. Eric Smith and son Trevor, and additional FAST Racing team members, Karson Bailey, Bridger Langeveld, and Tyler and Colby Ekins.

Bridger's younger brother Skylar Langeveld was racing in the Pee Wee race for his first ever desert race as was Trevor's younger brother Matthew.

Temperatures were nice, but as can be expected in the desert, the course was very dusty.

This was a Hare Scrambles event and the club said they had a great new mini loop put together. According to the boys, this was the best course of the year! Josh managed a second place finish in the Mini Expert division. On a dare, he wore the white and pink gear of a friend, and was styling on the start line:

Karson and Bridger both had great finishes in the Mini Novice division. Karson had a 3rd place finish and Bridger had his best finish of the year with a 6th place Novice finish. We were all proud of both of them (images from Dave Turner Photography).

Kobee and Benji also did great in their respective classes (Schoolboy and 65). Kobee was 2nd Schoolboy and Benji was 2nd overall 65 after having a great battle with his buddies in the 65 class.

Trevor, Tyler, and Colby all finished and had a great time on this really fun course.

Skylar and Matthew raced on the pee wee course and Skyler was so proud of himself for completing his first ever desert pee wee race. Way to go guys!!!!

Mike and Eric were the only Fathers racing in the big bike class. Mike managed a great start on the Expert wave and held a Top 10 position for the majority of the race. Without about 10 miles to go on the second loop, he lost the entire sole of his boot, and ended up losing several positions, but finished with a respectable 12th place overall finish for the day.

The course was a lot of fun despite the dusty conditions. Eric said he enjoyed the course as well and we all felt it was another successful race weekend in the books for the kids and families.

Thanks Firebirds.

Here is some footage from the Firebirds of the Expert and Amateur Start.

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